All in all 2017 was a pretty productive year. I crossed of three checkpoints off the my Bucket List this year, and I am more than halfway to completing my Black Belt in Aikido. In 2018 I want to focus on reviving my blog and outdoor activities with the children.

I just barely missed my goal of publishing an app in the the three app stores this year (they are waiting for approval).

Bucket List Update

  • Sailing
    • ASA 101 (March 2017)
  • Black Belt
    • 4th Kyu - 1st Purple Belt (February 2017)
    • 3rd Kyu - 2nd Purple Belt (November 2017)

2017 Goals

  • App Development
    • Publish App to Google Play
    • Publish App to Apple
    • Publish App to Microsoft Store
  • Health/Fitness
    • Get weight below 220 lbs.
  • Camping/Outdoor
    • Take the kids primitive camping this year
    • Get SASS shotgun (Stretch Goal)
    • Get Hiking campin MVP
  • Sailing
    • Complete ASA 101
    • Meet monthly Cruising Kitty Goal

2018 Goals

  • App Development
    • Publish Daily Bucket to Apple (Roll Over)
    • Publish Daily Bucket to Microsoft Store (Roll Over)
    • Publish Apple Watch app for Daily Bucket
    • Publish Google Wear app for Daily Bucket
    • Finish Family Feature for Daily Bucket
  • Health/Fitness
    • Keep weight below 200 lbs.
  • Camping/Outdoor
    • Take the kids hiking camping at least twice this year
    • Overnight hike with each of my children individually this year
    • Get SASS Lever gun (Stretch Goal)
  • Sailing
    • Complete ASA 103
    • Complete ASA 104
    • Meet monthly Cruising Kitty Goal
  • Blog
    • Update and Simplify my blog site
    • Automate posting of future posts
    • Write smaller post monthly
      • January
      • February
      • March
      • April
      • May
      • June
      • July
      • August
      • September
      • November
      • December